The European Electricity Market Model EMMA

EMMA is a techno-economic model of the integrated European power system. It simulates both dispatch of and investment in power plants, minimizing total costs with respect to investment, production and trade decisions subject to a large set of technical constraints. EMMA has been applied within a broad range of consulting and research projects, studying the economics of electricity markets. »

EMMA for Research

EMMA has been used for about a dozen peer-reviewed publications. At the Hertie Centre for Sustainability we use the model for national and international research projects. »

EMMA for Advisory

At Neon we use EMMA for consulting projects. We advise clients from the public, utility and financial sectors on power markets, energy policy and wholesale prices. »

EMMA for Teaching

At the Hertie School in Berlin, Prof. Lion Hirth teaches the graduate course Electricity System Modeling. The course builds on and uses EMMA. »


The EMMA Model is developed by Prof. Lion Hirth, Oliver Ruhnau and Raffaele Sgarlato.

Model documentation

We invest a lot of time in keeping the EMMA Model documentation up to date and comprehensive (PDF). 

EMMA is open-source

The model code, input data and documentation are freely available under the MIT Software License and the Create Commons BY-SA 4.0 License, respectively. Model code and input data is available on GitHub and as a zip file.