Publications using the EMMA model
A wide range of publications base on the EMMA model. These include academic articles in economics and engineering journals, including single-author papers in the leading field outlets Energy Economics, The Energy Journal, and Applied Energy. Publications using the model have won several awards, including the best paper award of the International Association for Energy Economics.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
What caused the drop of European electricity prices? A factor decomposition analysis, The Energy Journal, 2018. (Lion Hirth). open access
The benefits of flexibility: The value of wind energy with hydropower, Applied Energy, 2016. (Lion Hirth). pdf
The role of capital costs for decarbonizing the power sector, Environmental Research Letters, 2016 (Lion Hirth, & Jan Steckel). pdf
System-friendly Wind Power, Energy Economics, 2016 (Lion Hirth & Simon Müller). pdf | Best paper award INREC
Why Wind is not Coal: On the Economics of Electricity Generation, The Energy Journal, 2016 (Lion Hirth, Falko Ueckerdt & Ottmar Edenhofer). pdf
Balancing Power and Variable Renewables: Three Links, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015 (Lion Hirth& Inka Ziegenhagen). pdf
Integration Costs Revisited – An economic framework of wind and solar variability, Renewable Energy, 2015 (Lion Hirth, Falko Ueckerdt & Ottmar Edenhofer). pdf | Best paper award IAEE | Best poster award IEWT | Best paper award IEWT
The Optimal Share of Variable Renewables: How the Variability of Wind and Solar Power affects their Welfare-optimal Deployment, The Energy Journal, 2015. (Lion Hirth) pdf | review
The Market Value of Solar Power: Is Photovoltaics Cost-Competitive?, IET Renewable Power Generation, 2015. (Lion Hirth). pdf | Selected paper Solar Integration Workshop
The Market Value of Variable Renewables: The effect of solar wind power variability on their relative price, (Lion Hirth). Energy Economics, 2013. pdf
Redistribution Effects of Energy and Climate Policy: The electricity market, Energy Policy, 2013 (Lion Hirth & Falko Ueckerdt). pdf
Flexible power and hydrogen production: Finding synergy between CCS and variable renewables, Energy, 2019 (Lion Hirth & Schalk Cloete). open access
Time series of heat demand and heat pump efficiency for energy system modeling, Nature Scientific Data, 2019. (Oliver Ruhnau, Aaron Praktiknjo & Lion Hirth). open access
Short-Term Electricity Trading for System Balancing, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2019 (Christopher Koch & Lion Hirth). pdf
Opening the black box of energy modelling: strategies and lessons learned, Energy Strategy Reviews, 2018 (w/ Stefan Pfenninger, Ingmar Schlecht, Eva Schmid, Frauke Wiese, Tom Brown, Chris Davis, Matthew Gidden, Heidi Heinrichs & Clara Heuberger). open access
The importance of open data and software: is energy research lagging behind?, Energy Policy, 2017 (Stefan Pfenninger, Joseph DeCarolis, Sylvain Quoilin, Lion Hirth & Iain Staffell). open access
Carpe diem: A novel approach to select representative days for long-term power system models with high shares of renewable energy sources, Energy, 2016 (Paul Nahmmacher, Eva Schmid, Lion Hirth & Brigitte Knopf). open access
On the Economics of Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Economics, 2013 (Ottmar Edenhofer, Brigitte Knopf, Michael Pahle, Steffen Schloemer, Eva Schmid, Lion Hirth & Falko Ueckerdt). pdf
System LCOE: What are the costs of variable renewables?, Energy, 2013 (Falko Ueckerdt, Gunnar Luderer, Lion Hirth & Ottmar Edenhofer). pdf
Carbon lock-out: Advancing renewable energy policy in Europe, Energies, 2012 (Paul Lehmann, Felix Creutzig, Melf-Hinrich Ehlers, Nele Friedrichsen, Lion Hirth, Clemens Heuson & Robert Pietzcker). open access